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Peregrine Falcon "Dozer"

The largest falcon in North America, and fastest animal on the planet, peregrines can strike ducks, pigeons, and other avian prey at speeds of over 200 mph.

Normally nesting on cliffs and rocky ledges, peregrines have adapted well to life in cities, where they now breed atop tall buildings.

Unfortunately, with city life comes man-made hazards. Peregrines, especially younger, inexperienced birds, may fly into windows or cars. “Dozer” was hit by a car in Berks County as a young bird.

Fast Facts

Peregrine Falcon: Falco peregrinus

Range: Widespread across North America, year-round in western US and northern Mexico; summer in Alaska and northern Canada; winter in eastern US. Worldwide, found on all continents except Antartica.

Habitat: Open areas, nesting at high altitudes on cliffs or skyscrapers

Nest: Simple scrape on ground or ledge located at a range of altitudes from 25 – 1,300 ft

Eggs: 2-5, creamy to brown blotched with brown, red or purple

Diet: Primarily birds and occasionally bats

Trivia: This speedy falcon was formerly known as the Duck Hawk, named for one of its most common prey items.

The art of falconry (training birds of prey) dates back centuries, and Peregrine Falcons figured prominently in history as prized hunting birds.

151 E. White Bear Drive
Summit Hill, PA 18250

Phone: 570-645-8597

Open weekdays,

8:00 am to 4:30 pm


10:00 am to 2:00 pm


© 2017 Carbon County Environmental Education Center  

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